Why Planning Application Must Needed In UK?


# Planning Application

Affluent planning amplifies the grace, keeping this strategy in mind, KPCL Architecture provides standard Planning Application Service, maintaining the hard and fast frameworks, regulated by UK Authority. To establish a design, investors must plan for their desired building structure as without authorization a company cannot wish to start their operation.

# The Benefits Of The Planning Application Are:

  • Smart and accessible process
  • Sequel process and guidelines
  • Affix plans and related scratches
  • Reduce time and money simultaneous
Planning designation settled for all pre-existing uses and buildings by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, which became effective on 1 July 1948. An application for planning permission required to make to the local planning authority. Talking about the several types of planning permission, it depends on the local authority but KPCL Architecture focuses on the following consents:

# Householder Planning Consent

Deals with alteration or enlargement of single house name extensions, conservatories, loft conversions, dormer windows, Garages, carports, and outbuildings.

1. Full Planning Consent:

Visualises on building works, engineering works, and so on other than householder improvements such as works related to a flat, change in the number of dwellings, changes from residential to commercial, others outside the garden of any property.

2. Legal Development Certificate:

Relates to the establishment of whether-
  • Existing use of lands, or improvements on operations, or tasks in breach of planning terms, follow with law.
  • Offered use of buildings or other lands, or operations invited under land, enforceable by law.

# There Are Several Time Limits For Lawful Development Certificate Such As:

4 Years:

  • This is for building, engineering, mining, or other operations, except for planning permission. this growth becomes unsusceptible from implementation factors four years after the operations significantly completed.
  • This is for changes in the use of building, single dwelling houses. Enforcement actions can no longer exist if unauthorized use has practiced for 4 years.

10 Years:

This is for all other developments. This 10year period circulated from the date the breach of planning control place.

# Prior Notification:

Various invitations for developments involving telecommunications, demolition, agriculture, or forestry. These are subject to a progression whereby minutiae alarmed to the local planning authority former to the maturity placed. Describing our working strategies, at the very beginning, before undertaking an assignment we weigh up the history and context of the site and its adjacent.
We explore your local planning authority and substantiate what planning applications previous neighboring properties have proposed, whether it acknowledged or denied, we still look into it. We also establish where the property based, if it is under a Preservation Area, a listed building, or in a flood risk zone.
These features will affect your planning application and more papers required to accompany the proposal. But, such impediments will discuss with clients appropriate. Following the initial site visit, a site survey and dimension will conduct to assemble all the existing dimensions and a pictorial survey to chronicle the existing site.
Moreover, we practice the preliminary drawings within 7-14 working days ensuring that there are options for the client to consider. We will work with you to make plans that are to your satisfaction and within government legislation (planning and building control).
Furthermore, our professionals are able to create according to the client’s desire as long as it is workable for when submitting the planning application. Once everything finalises and confirmed by the client, the application will submit along with the drawings.
Our consultants at KPCL Architecture agree most applications online through the planning portal. But, there are occasions (usually for larger developments) when it may be necessary to organize a written application with bound drawings and documents.

Detailing the requirements for a planning application, here are different sorts of documents needed for:

# Full Planning Applications:  

This contains all existing drawings of the property (floor plans, elevations, sections),

1. All Proposed Drawings– 

  • Section drawing
  • Detailed drawings
  • Extension drawings
  • Building regulations drawings
  • Location plan
  • Site plans   
  • Floor plans, and elevations 

2. Detailed Design And Access Statement (If Required)-

  • Heritage Statement
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Arboriculture report, and so on (we will tell if these requirements for your planning applications)
  • Site Plan and Block Plan
  • Ordnance Survey Map
  • Application Forms
  • Notification Letters
  • CIL Questions
  • Council Fee

# Others:

This relates to all existing drawings of the property (Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections),  All proposed drawings (floor plans, elevation, sections, site plans), site plan and block plan, ordnance survey map, application form, council fee (if required). Coming to the rest procedures, once planning permission granite, the CAD drawings can remodel and adjusted to provide building regulation drawings and detailed/technical drawings for building control approval – services that KPCL Architecture can additionally provide.
**This is to notify you that KPCL Architecture does not assure you that planning application will grant**

Essential Guide For Rear Extension


Essential Guide For Rear Extension

An extension to your house is one of the ways to enlarge the space you already have. Being that you want a larger kitchen and dining space or a downstairs WCs and utility room, sometimes just by adding a couple of metres on the ground floor makes all the difference. Some of these extensions could be done without any planning permissions as long as you stay within the guidelines laid out by the legislation for you. If you are thinking of doing an extension here are some tips on the Permitted Development Rights regulations that you will have to follow that will be reiterated by your design team.

# General Information For Any Extension

  • must not exceed the height of the existing dwelling
  • the extension eaves height must not exceed the existing eaves height, must not be more than 50% of the original garden area, including any previous extensions (sheds are included and other outbuildings must be included when calculating the 50% limit)
  • materials should be of similar appearance to the existing house
  • must not include a veranda, balcony or realised platform

# Single-Storey Rear Extension

  • maximum height of 4 meters
  • must not be more than 3 metres if an attached house and 4 metres if semi-detached beyond the rear wall of the existing house
  • maximum eaves height 3 metres if within 2 metres of the boundary (eaves – a point where the wall meets the roof)

Always check with the council because there may be a restriction on the property. If this is the case Planning permission will be required.

# Two-Storey Rear Extension

  • Must not be more than 3 meters beyond the rear wall of the original house, and must not be within 7 meters of the rear garden boundary
  • Must not be beyond the side of the original house
  • Must be within 2 meters of any boundary
  • Roof pitch of extensions higher than one storey to match that of the existing house, as far as is practicable
  • Any upper-floor window in a wall or roof slope in a side elevation must be obscure glazed and non-opening unless the parts which can be opened are more than 1.7 meters above the floor of the room in which it is installed.

Always check with the council because there may be a restriction on the property. If this is the case Planning permission will be required.

One last thing you should double-check is if there are any manholes or sewers running beneath your house or where you want your extension as these could be some complications.

  • Check is there if any manholes as they need to be 3 meters away otherwise you will need approval from Thames Water to ensure that the particular sewerage network will not be compromised.
  • Can get information from Thames Water to check if there is anything underneath your property.
  • If there is, you can either make sure the extension is not compromising the sewer or you will have to get permissions from Thames Water to relocate the sewer system.

Two-storey rear extension

rear extension
By Valerija Kamolina-Corfield Ba(hons) Architecture