August 22 2019

# Architectural Design
Architectural design focus on a certain law or understanding of beauty and functionality, the design of buildings, rooms, furnishings, sometimes even highways and trees on the highways. Architects can take part in architectural design, Architecture drawing as well as many individuals from distinct careers. Where suitable, architectural design may be the design of a furniture or construction venture, while the layout, structure, and shape of the trees on the road’s design.
The region is a broad architectural design spectrum. The layout of the building is more subjective than these. Only a particular structure joins the design cycle and as a consequence built. Well if you are typing for Architectural Services near me you are in right place. If you are in the market for architectural services, you need to have knowledge about architecture & functionality
# Architectural Functionality And Design
How should you understand the functionality and how does it relate to design?
Functionality can describe the quality of working and being useful. In the field of architectural design, it would be appropriate to examine it from two different angles. The first is technical functionality and the second is ergonomic functionality.
# Technical Functionality
The most important word that should explain technical functionality is production. Whether it’s a plumbing or opening the cabinet door without touching anything, it doesn’t matter at all. We can replicate these examples fair, but as I mentioned, the only criterion is whether it works or not.
The ladder you see in the photo on the left is also designed as a complete wall shelf and an open shelf system. In essence, it was a simple, simple and useful concept. The technical part is only to create and dimension the carrier system. The shelf dimensions and proportions of the ladder and the rung dimensions calculate to the exact dimensions. Here, our architect experience and knowledge come to the forefront.
# Ergonomic Functionality
Let’s go to the Ergonomic Functionality section. Today, many services and products provide in stereotyped standards by Ernst Neufert, who lives in Germany, dimensioned everything he found during his life with his drawing and created a kind of Architectural Encyclopedia, and many products manufactured today continue to design according to these measurements.
For this reason, the width of the countertop in our house considered 60cm, and the height of our countertops is 90cm. Exceptions can, of course, but remember that every change, it will come up as a detail that you need to think and even solve. For example, when you make your countertop at a depth of 80cm, not 60cm, if you need to think realistic, the hood will be lagging behind the stove and the performance will be very low and it will be more difficult to reach the top cabinets.
Or, if you consider changing the height of the counter, you may encounter a problem where you will have difficulty fitting the Dishwasher under the counter. Of course, the most important factor in the formation of measurements in this way relate to human body structure, that’s why we call it ergonomic functionality. The essence is to create a whole concept. Form follows Function (Louis Sullivan)
# How Should We Combine Them All?
Ergonomics and technical binding criteria on one side, design on the other. It is difficult to put them together, but of course, it is possible. As you can imagine a house with sea view and sun, there may be people who say that they would be in such a house. Yeah, that would be nice. Each room in the house faces in different directions and captures the sea view from different angles. The sun also enters the desired rooms at different times.
This example gives in particular because the location and location of the building is a criterion of functionality. It is a technical necessity for a house to see the sun and turn to the landscape according to its location. The reason it’s an obligation is everyone, we all want to live in a beautiful house. No matter how different the interior design of the house is, the main features that increase the value of the house are the reflection and view of the light in the room. Of course, this may not consider finance,
# What Should Consider?
When it comes to the importance of the definitions of functionality that have explained above. First, technical functionality is an area that does not accept errors and is the responsibility of your Architect. Second, ergonomic functionality, as mentioned, can transform into a personalized design. The important thing to understand is that you have the right to ergonomic interfere with some things, even if they limited.
It is important that you do not interfere with the technical issue, because it is the responsibility of architect and implementers. Of course, it is necessary to have enough time to reach such designs. It is not only a matter of experience in material selection, construction, and planning.
Here you need to add experimental elements to your knowledge and experience. Because you create a product, furniture, or space that will be the first of its kind, even if it is similar. For this, you can actually make new discoveries using different materials, as an inventor proposes to. It’s not about doing something different, it’s special for you and for your house. So, consider hiring an architectural service near you that you can rely on.
(Next Post: What Is An Architectural Project?)