March 30 2019

# Building Regulations
Architecture Stratford One of the important segments to think about before developing a building is following the building regulations. Talking about the importance of building regulations, it is one of the best sources to secure safety and plan for the designs and drawings by following the regulations. Moreover, it is also a significant option before submitting the planning application to the authorities. So, they can consider that building regulations are full of consequences.
# Why Building Regulations Are Important?
Emphasizing the significance of building acts, at first, it comes for safety and security. Building regulations implemented in such a way that it can save power and fuel, protect natural beauties, promote large development, and maintain eco-balance. Then, coming to the planning option, building regulations guide for the following steps to put in place regulatory processes and making the drawings for your building.
Also, building regulations needed for any type of new construction works, extension works, or approval from authorities. So, before going to establish any drawings and designs, you should first look at the building regulations and perform according to the instructions.
So, building regulations are essentials in the following factors:
1. Erection Or Extension Of Building:
building regulations cover the important rules for new buildings and extension works.
Moreover, the regulations guide for some alteration to services, underpinning, or changes in using spaces.
In detail, you hardly need the Building Regulations approval for the erection of a detached single-story building which is less than 30m2. Or for any building which is less than 15m2. Till there’s no sleeping accommodation or conservatory extensions with an internal floor area of less than 30m2.
2. Installation Or Replacement Of Central Heating System And Fuel Tanks:
This installation or replacement works related to safety issues, and the person or team that works on it responsible for that. So, the installation or replacement works for gas, oil, or fuel boiler need to follow the building regulations and perform accordingly.
Finally, once the installation or replacement works do, the service provider should also collect the certificate from the authority which will show that the works are in compliance with the regulations.
4. Change Of Building Energy Status:
before the submission of planning permission, you have to follow the instruction for the current energy status and changes in the positioning of the status. Moreover, you have to be careful about the environment, energy-related products, allowable solutions, and so on.
Changes might take place for water heating systems, gas equipment installation, or changes in placing that equipment, fuel system placing, and more. So, for safety and certification purposes, building regulations are important factors to help with.
5. Converting Rooms:
while converting any space to rooms, you have to follow the regulations before you apply for planning permission, and design the area according to get the permission.
Because, at any space, you hardly can develop any type of room in the office space or in your house.
6. Plumbing Works:
plumbing is one of the major works that do while building a new house or repairing the place. For that, you have to keep pace with some of the regulations which are so helpful to get the planning permission.
So, plumbing works, related to boilers, water heaters, unvented hot water systems, range cookers with integral boilers, warm air heaters, and more direct connection to building works that need the attention of the service providers.
7. Electrical Works Or Electrical Equipment Installation:
while placing electrical equipment or operating some electrical works, you must keep in mind the safety and security of the workers, the residents, and all systems.
# Building Regulations Are Only Applicable For Domestics Works And Those Are:
* Works within the dwellings
* Works within the grounds of dwellings or buildings which share their supply with dwellings. For example, it might
include a pond pump and garden lighting systems
* Works within other buildings or premises that share their supply with dwellings such as sheds, garages,
outbuildings, linked shops, and so on
* Works related to the common and shared areas of flats
# When You Do Dot Need Building Regulations?
Here is a list of works that don’t need to follow the building regulations:
1. Maintenance works or minor repairing.
2. Replacement works that are less than 25 percent of an item, like-for-like.
3. More works for power or lighting points and switches (exceptions are for around baths and showers).
4. Alteration works to existing circuits (except around baths and showers).
5. Small replacements such as baths, toilets, basins, or sinks.
6. Boundary or garden walls, fences, and gates.
# Final Words
Building regulations established to keep pace with the ecosystem along with the security of living creatures. To get the approval of planning applications, you should first follow the regulations and design the plans with the help of experts.
Yet, while having all the clearance in your hand, you can start the new building works or other works of existing buildings.
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